Taking on Advanced Research in the Fields of Food Health Science, Regenerative Medicine, and IoT Promotion / AI Utilization

At our laboratory for advanced research, we aim to be a company that comprehensively supports health enhancement. We engage in basic research into things like evaluating the unexplained functionality foods contain and elucidating their mechanisms, and we’re performing applied research backing the efficacy of consumption of certain foods. Additionally, we’re engaging in industry-academia-government collaboration for advanced medical research into disease prevention and for the research and development of the new systems needed to further increase the quality and productivity of our manufacturing business.

  • Nutraceuticals Science Laboratory
  • Nutraceuticals Science Laboratory

    We’re also working on health value creation in our products by initiatives like research into the physiological functions of nutrient composition.

  • New Food Research Section
  • New Food Research Section

    Together with the efforts for achieving a shift to nutraceutical materials based on the evaluation of functionality and safety of unknown animal and plant material, we are developing technology that may help successful management of the expected food situation in the future.

  • Laboratory for Advanced Health Sciences
  • Laboratory for Advanced Health Sciences

    We study the analysis of food functions at a molecular level using living cells and the investigation of digestive system cell induction for the purpose of establishing a system for evaluating food function and safety.

  • Laboratory for Advanced Health Sciences
  • Advanced Engineering Laboratory

    We gather a multitude of data at our production sites and use it to make contributions to productivity improvements through analysis and visualization. We’re using open source technologies to research and develop tools and AI suitable for production lines.